Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Am a Healer

I am a Healer.

My entire practice consists of one client.


I can heal no one else.

No one else can heal me.

In essence, who can know my physical body better than I do ? I live with it 7/24. I feed, water and shelter it. Within these walls of skin, are the most miraculous cells and cell structures known to me.

Cells build organs, organs form systems and systems team together for me and only for me. How can I not love, appreciate and respect this living breathing organism that allows ...well....me ?

Each and every choice I make; how to move; what to drink; what to eat; what to stress out over, affects the 'balance' of this, my precious asset.

So then, if every choice affects, then my conclusion is that health - my health - is my choice.

And from this moment forward, I choose to take responsibility and to be responsible for my state of health; to love, appreciate and respect every single cell within... who without, I could not live in this amazing state of physicality.

Achieve and maintain Balance ...


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